A Tru Diva always has something to wear!


I live in an apartment. I have one closet in my bedroom and one closet in my hallway. I probably had about two hundred outfits and 100 pair of shoes, boots and sandals between those closets. Yet, I would wake up in the morning and say to myself, I have absolutely nothing to wear today. Then my self talk would kick in and I would say to me, “What is your problem? You have a million and one things in the closet and you have nothing to WEAR?

I always thought the solution was that I needed a bigger place, you know, those walk in closets that celebrities have? The real problem: I had too much stuff. I had clothes that I brought back in 1985 that I had worn probably about 5 times over 24 years. I could never imagine getting rid of anything in my closet.

Now, this is where I make a confession. I am a shopaholic. I buy things even when I don’t need them. It was/is a way to make me feel better about myself. And it did, for a little while, and then I would have to go shopping again. It has only been recently that the light bulb finally came on. It took a while, but I finally realized that buying/having material things really didn’t define who I really was and/or made me feel better about whom I am. I learned that it is my family, my experiences and adventures, my hopes and dreams that define who I am and give my life meaning. It may have taken 49 years for me to get to this point but I am realizing who I am. I am so looking forward to the next 50 years of my life and making all of my dreams come true.

I am still a shopaholic and will probably be so for the rest of my life, but now I have a plan for when I go shopping. If it's not on my list, it doesn't go in my closet. So now when I wake up in the morning, I always have something to wear.
How did I finally find something to wear in my closet? I took the advice of one of my favorite fashion gurus, Tim Gunn. In his book “A Guide to Quality, Taste & Style”, Tim advises that we should pull everything out of our closets, try everything on and then put them in one of 4 piles: The Soul- Stirring Pile, The Repair Pile, the Give-away Pile and the Throw-Out Pile. After going through my closet, I was able to Give-Away/Throw-Away more than 50% of my wardrobe. The remaining clothes in my closet are those that speak to my soul and which allow me to feel my best when I get dressed in the morning. If you wake up in the morning thinking “I have nothing to wear” and you have plenty of clothes in your closet, maybe you should think about making a change in your life.




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